Favorite subject at CRLS
Why is it your favorite subject?
I loved to collaborate with my classmates in the arts, and find connection through theatre classes. Personally, I've gotten to grow and find more about myself through the classes I've taken in this subject, related to my thoughts, feelings, and who I want to be. I am grateful for all I've learned!
Favorite CRLS Staff Person
Mr. Cramp
What makes that staff person so special?
In a similar vein, Mr. Cramp is an amazing teacher because he can connect to students on a very fundamental level through kindness and collaboration. Since freshman year, Mr. Cramp has been a mentor to me, and will continue to be throughout college and beyond. I am grateful for him as a teacher, advisor, and friend.
Extracurricular activities, clubs, school-related activities
Off Broadway Theatre Society, World Jazz, Improv Club, Orchestra, A Capella, Swimming, Tennis, Unified Basketball, ASL Club, National Honors Society
What were some of the out-of-school time (O.S.T) programs that you participated in anytime between grades 6-12?
I'm not sure I contributed to any OST programs, but I've done volunteer work. I participated in MASKUP, volunteered at a homeless shelter, and did Community Mentoring at CRLS.
How did being enrolled in any O.S.T. program(s) contribute to your success both in and out of high school?
I think these community endeavors have allowed me to see other perspectives of people different than myself in unique ways. I love to talk to other people and find out their story, so to contribute, conversate, and look to people's lives who weren't the same age as me, or needed assistance in a way different than myself, was illuminating for me. I believe this has helped me become a very thoughtful and understanding person.
What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
What I liked most about CRLS is getting to be in an environment with a lot of different people. While Cambridge is a bubble, I really feel that I was able to have a diverse peer group of individuals from different backgrounds and walks of life in a way I had never done before in my life. I got to participate in programs I never would have done if they were not so open and available to me, broadening my horizons and helping me become more well rounded. I also experienced a lot of kindness and mentorship from many teachers adults in my learning community. Their advice and leadership made me feel supported during my time at CRLS, and an individual even in a 500 person class. I thrive on community, and am grateful to have found it in CRLS.
What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
I think one thing people should know about CRLS is that everything is open to most everyone, all the time. You can join any club you want to, and it is still rigorous and challenging. Those unfamiliar with CRLS should not be afraid to try new things- I just did MDC my last semester of my senior year with little to no dance experience on a whim, and was met with kindness and support. I have found this to be synonymous with CRLS extracurriculars, and encourage those unfamiliar or new to CRLS to try.
What advice would you give incoming freshmen about CRLS?
Talk to everyone. Social media and maturity levels can make talking to classmates and peers difficult, but it is all superfluous- everyone is open and kind, and if you come in with that mentality you will attract others like that. Despite many people knowing one another from Middle School, everyone is searching for more friends- breaking that barrier with friendliness is a must. I've loved my time at CRLS, and am sure that any freshman can find the same community I did.
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